Specializing in Child Psychology

Devon Palmer is a Psychologist, registered to practice psychology in the province of British Columbia. He has a Bachelors degree in Psychology and Neuroscience, a Master of Educational Psychology in School and Clinical Psychology, and a Doctorate of Educational Psychology (cand.). Devon’s focus is on the neurobehavioural development of children. His clinical work and training experiences have spanned from work in vocational/residential programs, hospitals, public schools, and outpatient multidisciplinary assessment clinics. He specializes in child psychology and works clinically with children with fetal alcohol spectrum disorders, autism spectrum disorders, attention deficit hyperactivity disorders, anxiety, developmental delays, specific learning disabilities, intellectual disabilities, and self-regulation/behavior problems.

Devon also has conducted research, which has been published, in the fields of FASD, ADHD, and language learning disabilities. He has membership with the College of Psychologists of British Columbia, Canadian Register of Health Service Providers in Psychology, Canadian Association of School Psychologists, Canadian Association of Cognitive and Behavioural Therapies, and the Canadian Psychological Association

Presentations and keynote addresses have been provided for in-services, workshops, and conferences in BC, AB, and SK regarding the neurobehavioural development of children. Pro Bono evening workshops are also offered to parents in the West Kootenay region on a regular basis throughout the year. These are generally facilitated through the kindness and generosity of other invested community organizations.

In addition, Devon provides training for professionals, paraprofessionals, and parents in suicide intervention (Living Works: ASIST).  He also supports parents and teachers in learning to problem-solve with their children in collaborative and conflict-free ways (Ross Greene: Collaborative and Proactive Solutions).

Beyond the education, experience, and specialized training received over the years, Devon also takes great pride in being a husband and father. Family time is a valuable and essential part of his life. Learning and practicing the things that he teaches, with his own children and companion allows for a deeper and more rich experience for both Devon and the clients that he works with.

family photo


Due to the nature of our work, we may not pick up the phone right away, or answer emails immediately.

Mountain Ridge Psychology
Devon Palmer

Box 1297 Rossland BC
